6 Proven Cart Recovery Email Strategies to Increase Revenue
It can be frustrating when customers show interest in items on your website but do not purchase them.
You may feel like you have lost their business forever. However, there are some things you can do to bring those customers back to your website so that they buy the goods they are interested in.
Fortunately, following a few creative email marketing strategies can increase the chances of lost customers returning to your website and making a purchase.
In this guide, we'll explain how you can use automated abandoned cart emails to increase your chances of recovering those lost sales and boosting your business revenue.
Abandoned Cart Email Marketing Strategies - In this Blog:
How to set up automated cart recovery on WIX:
1. What is an abandoned cart email?
When it comes to retargeting strategies, one of the most common types is abandoned cart emails. These emails serve as a reminder to shoppers about products they left in their shopping cart. Businesses can increase conversion rates and boost sales by sending these types of emails. In addition, these emails can be highly personalized, further increasing their effectiveness.
As your website visitors are not always ready to purchase straightaway, they often add some products to their online shopping carts and leave your website without making a purchase. According to a recent study, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. [1]
Nearly 70% of shoppers leave items in their shopping carts without completing their purchase. This happens for many reasons, including unexpected shipping costs, taxes, complex checkout processes, or a requirement to create an account. However, ensuring that your website is user-friendly can reduce abandoned cart rates.
Top Tip
An exit intent survey is the best way to determine why your customers are abandoning their carts. Just before they hit the close tab button, trigger a popup box that asks why they're leaving without purchasing. The survey should be short and to the point, with just a few questions to help you identify the problem.
2. How do abandoned cart emails work?
When customers add items to their carts but don't complete their purchases, merchants can send what's known as an abandoned cart email encouraging them to complete specific actions.
The process looks like this:
The merchant sets up the automation inside their eCommerce platform.
Clients who have already signed up and given their email addresses log into the site and begin browsing.
The products are being added to their online shopping carts.
They exit the page without buying.
Abandoned cart emails are sent, reminding them which items they were willing to buy and encouraging them to checkout.
The customers click the link inside the cart recovery email and complete their shopping process.
3. Six abandoned cart email marketing strategies and tips
- Timing is the King
- Compelling subject line
- Give an incentive
- Focus on one product
- Create s sense of urgency
- Keep things simple with one call to action
Timing is the key
Send your email at the right time. When drafting an abandoned cart email marketing strategy, you must first consider when you'll send your cart recovery emails. Depending on your business and what you're selling, you may want to send your emails a couple of hours after someone abandons their cart, or you may want to wait a day or two.
The goal is to find the sweet spot: not too soon after leaving, but not too far in the future. If you send your abandoned cart email too quickly, your customers may still be in the decision-making process and not ready to buy. You also need to decide how many emails you'll send - will it be one or a series of emails?
If you set up your website using Wix Website Builder, you can build abandoned cart notification emails in your Wix dashboard. You can select how long you want the email to wait before sending the first one. It can send the first email two hours after the user's session ends without buying the items in their shopping cart.
Compelling subject line
Almost half of the people base whether or not they will open an email solely on the subject line. [2] It means that the subject line is one of the most critical aspects of an email. If the subject line is not interesting or does not make sense, there is a good chance that the email will not be opened. A good subject line should be short and to the point and use keywords that will stand out.
Your abandoned cart email subject line is the key to recovering lost sales and customers. But with many other emails in your shoppers' inboxes vying for attention, yours need to stand out to be successful.
Give an incentive
When it comes to encouraging people to return to your site and complete their purchase, it's critical to think about why they bounced in the first place. The majority of people abandon their carts because extra costs are added on at the last minute, such as shipping and handling.
By being upfront about these costs from the beginning, you can avoid cart abandonment and encourage people to complete their purchases. In your abandoned cart email, consider offering an exclusive discount to make them feel like they're getting a great deal. It will encourage them to purchase the product and build loyalty.
Focus on one product
In recent years, an interesting phenomenon has been observed in many different aspects of life – when people are presented with too many choices, they find it harder to decide. This is known as the paradox of choice. When customers leave items in their online shopping cart, it may be tempting to showcase all of those products in your recovery email.
However, too many goods in the email can overwhelm the customer and may cause them to unsubscribe from your emails. Instead, focus on one item the customer left in their cart and highlight the product's benefits. Doing this will make you more likely to recover the sale and keep the customer subscribed to your emails.
Create a sense of urgency
Customers are more likely to complete their purchases if they open the email immediately rather than later. Offers like "10% off your order if you complete it within the next 24 hours" effectively get shoppers to take action. It's an apparent reason to do so and creates a sense of urgency. Plus, it's a win-win for both the shopper and the store. The shopper saves money, and the store gets the sale.
Scarcity is another tactic worth mentioning. It highlights the idea that you might run out of items if customers don't buy them now. With an opening line like: "Stock is running out fast!" you can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to purchase the product before it runs out. Scarcity can be effective in driving sales, but it should be used sparingly, or it will lose its impact.
Keep things simple with one call to action.
When creating your Abandoned Cart Email Marketing Strategy, remember that your customers need to stay focused and return to your store. To achieve this, you need to keep things simple. A cluttered cart recovery email, with more than one call to action and too many options, will make your campaign ineffective. But a clean, well-organized email will make shopping easy and enjoyable, leading customers to come back again and again.
4. Abandoned Cart Email Marketing Strategies - Summary
Abandonment of online shopping carts is a big issue for e-commerce businesses. There are many reasons why shoppers abandon their carts. It is why, in today's digital age, online retailers are constantly looking for new ways to better their business and one method that has seen a lot of success is retargeting site visitors.
By implementing Abandoned Cart Email Marketing Strategies, you can retrieve up to 25% of your visitors. Email Retargeting is a highly effective way to bring customers back to your store and increase sales.
With this type of email, you can reach out to customers who have left items in their shopping carts and encourage them to complete their purchases.
Yes, that is right!
Automated abandoned cart emails drive customers back to your online store and are a great way to recover lost sales and boost your business.
By sending emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, you can encourage them to return and complete their purchases.
Trusted sources:
[2] Invesp
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